Sherwood Founded with acquisition of three products from Johnson Matthey Inc. Small Instrument Division: Tornado Fluid Bed Dryer, Magnetic Susceptibility Balance Mk1, Microwelder.
MBS Auto introduced
Acquisition of three products; from Corning: M410 Flame Photometer, M925 Chloride Analyser and “CHROMA” Colorimeters: M252, 254 & 257.
M926 Chloride Analyser given RS232 connectivity.
M420 Dual Channel Flame Photometer with internal reference, automatic "peak" detection and simultaneous quantification of two elements using a single point calibration routine.
M425 Dual Channel, Four Element Flame Photometer, similar to the M420 with addition of Calcium filter & detector and with firmware compatible's with on-line applications such as automated flow analysers.
MagFlow—unique on-line Magnetic Susceptibility Monitor for QC of Contrast Agents used in medical imaging.
M501—Analytical Fluid Bed Dryer with microprocessor controlled airflow, inlet temperature and drying period.
M860 40 position Autosampler for use with M420 & M425 Flame Photometers.
M260 Programmable Colorimeter.
M410 Digital Interface & M410 BlueNotes Software.
Active Salt Software for M926 Chloride Analyser.
M360 single channel, five element, low cost, Flame Photometer.
M420 BlueNotes Software.
M926 & M926S Mk111 Chloride Analyser.
First 260UV Programmable Colorimeters shipped.
Sherwood trading for 25 years.
M410 with improved stability/precision.
Microwelder product line sold off.
M420Cs with Caesium internal reference launched.
M420/M425 with improved stability/precision and also for M425 improved Sodium interference on Calcium measurement.
21 CFR Part 11 Regulated BlueNotes 420 Software launched.
M860 autosampler with BlueNotes software enabled post sample rinse option added.
ISO 9001:2015 staus granted.
Updated unregulated BlueNotes 420 Software launched.
Sherwood trading for 30 years.
Open Weir Cup added to Dilutor for improved Flame Photometer System Precision.
Last M260 Colorimeter sold
M805 Dilutor updated and replaced by M806 Dilutor
M860 Autosampler updated to M865 Autosampler, representing 18 years of improvements to robustness together with enhanced features such as on-board post sample rinse.
Last M260UV Colorimeter sold.
New M410 Range of Flame Photometers Introduced